Residence Eligibility
- Young pregnant mothers.
- Women fleeing domestic violence.
- Young women who have successfully completed drug or alcohol rehabilitation and need stability before transitioning back into the community.
- Women seeking reunification with their children.
- Women of any age needing emergency short term accommodation with younger children.

How Can We Help?
Domestic Violence
We offer supported accommodation and assistance for victims of domestic violence to help them break the cycle and rebuild their lives.
Post Drug Rehabilitation Support
We provide accommodation, support, and reintegration for mums who have been rehabilitated from substance abuse and help them integrate back into society.
We help mothers re-establish relationships with their estranged children, helping them to rebuild their families and possibly regain custody.
We offer supported accommodation for expectant mothers of any age, helping them before and after birth in the process of establishing their family.
Lily House caters for a mother and her child up to the age of three. Other children, who may be in care, are permitted to stay for visits depending on available space and capacity. We also have short-term emergency respite care for a woman and her children in a small self-contained accommodation.
Those We Support
Our Mission Statement
Our Vision
To support and encourage women so they can fulfill their potential of being great mothers who love, cherish, protect, and care for their children in a safe environment enabling them to develop into emotionally healthy and productive adults.
Our Mission
To provide women in crisis with a loving, safe home environment where they can receive support, and training in valuable life skills to empower them in their endeavour to be great mothers who provide their children with strong, stable foundations so they can flourish and live fulfilling lives.
Our Values
Our values are based on Christian principles. We believe in the value of human life and encourage the reunification of families. Therefore, we strive to improve the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of mothers, so they in turn can provide nurture, love and care for their children.
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