Megan’s Story

This is my story
I am a 33-year-old recovering addict.
My story is one of hope, love, and trust. On September 12 I went into rehab after using drugs for 7 years. My two children had been out of my care for a little over one year. I did three months of rehab then transitioned to Lily House.
One week later my 13-year-old daughter was restored to me and joined me.
After a life with no love or trust I now have a job, am about to start university, a happy 13-year-old in my care, who I have an amazing, loving relationship with and one child who I am still working on reuniting with. Lily House has supported and loved me back to life. They have also helped me back into my role as a mother and a functioning, successful, member of society.
I now have hope and trust that the future for both myself and my children will be nothing short of amazing, and when it is time to leave Lily House, I will be forever grateful for the opportunity and support they have given our family!

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